Addon Name: Phoenix Combat Routines.
Category: PVE Combat Rotations.
– High-End PVE Combat Routines.
– Compatible With All Levels and Languages.
– User-Friendly Interface.
– Dedicated Support Team.
– Free Trial and Monthly Giveaways.
Phoenix is a PVE combat routine designed to help players excel in gameplay. It is compatible with all levels and languages, making it a versatile tool for players of all backgrounds. The user-friendly interface makes it easy to navigate and customize, even for those new to the game. The dedicated support team can always assist with any questions or concerns. Additionally, Phoenix offers a free trial and monthly giveaways, allowing players to try the combat routine before purchasing.
Supported Expansion(s): Retail.
Phoenix Discord.

Addon Name: Caffeine.
Category: PVE Combat Rotations.
– Elite combat rotations for high-end PvE content.
– Customizable drawings for mechanics in M+ and Raid environments.
– Full localization for English, Chinese, German, French, and Brazilian Portuguese.
– Custom Encounters system for fight and pull specific behaviors.
– Full support for smart kicks/stops, targeting, dispels, purges, consumables, trinkets, and more for all classes and specs, with plenty of customizable options.
– Easy to understand in-game GUI.
Caffeine is the premiere rotation assistant for World of Warcraft: The War Within and Cataclysm.
Supported Expansion(s): Retail , Cataclysm.
Caffeine Discord.

Addon Name: SadRotations Combat Routines.
Category: PvP Combat Rotations.
– Advanced Routines for Arena & RBGs.
– Made by Multi-R1/Gladiator player.
– Achieved Gladiator.
– Achieved 3500+ Rating in Solo Shuffle.
– Debug Frame.
– In-Game GUI Customization to Personalize your playstyle with an intuitive and powerful interface for ultimate control.
UNLEASH YOUR TRUE POWER with SadRotations and DOMINATE THE LADDERS. Built by top-tier player, this Addon delivers precise, intuitive PvP routines to help you crush the competition.
Supported Expansion(s): Retail.
SadRotations Discord.

Addon Name: Spooky Plunderstorm.
Category: Plunderstorm ESP + Combat Assist.
– ESP: Always stay one step ahead with various ESP types:
– Player ESP: View player level, name, HP, current spells, and selected target.
– Spell Object ESP: See spell icons, quality, and distance.
– Chest/Item ESP: Identify chest types and item distances.
– Trap ESP: Identify trap chests before you set them off!
– NPC ESP: Get information about NPC names, quality, and distances.
– Radar: See the position of enemies on your World Map and Minimap.
– Auto Aim/Attack: Dominate your opponents effortlessly! Hold down one of several preset keys to automatically track your current target and cast “Combo Strike” for maximum effectiveness.
Spooky Plunder equips you with cutting-edge tools to gain a significant advantage over your opponents in the current Plunderstorm season. $20 gets you lifetime access for all future Plunderstorm seasons.
Supported Expansion(s): Retail (Plunderstorm).
Spooky Tools Discord.

Addon Name: BadRotations.
Category: PVE Combat Rotations.
– Object Manager.
– Ground Spells Support.
– Healing Engine.
– Clean User Interface w/ Profile Specific Toggle Buttons and Bot/Profile Specific Options.
– Debug Frame.
– And much more as new features and improvements are constantly added.
BadRotations is maintained by CuteOne with additional contributions from other developers who worked on combat rotation bots such as PQR, ProbablyEngine, and others. While it is more of a developer playground as compared to the more “for profit” bots this is free to use and we feel it is just as good, if not better, than the bots you pay money for. Don’t agree? Feel free to post any issues you have and we will do our best to resolve them.
Supported Expansion(s): Retail.
BadRotations Discord.